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Top Ten LGBT Stories of 2012; Why Queer Is Not a Label I Choose

When Ugandan lawmakers introduced an anti-homosexuality bill in 2009, it called for the death penalty for "serial offenders." That legislation failed, but a new version was reintroduced in 2012 in an effort to further criminalize same-sex relations in a country where homosexuality is already illegal. The bills have drawn loud and widespread condemnation from much of the international community, particularly after the brutal death of openly gay activist Davdi Kato.

Top Ten LGBT Stories of 2012; Don’t Call Me Queer

"Dress" also includes the line "I don't want you like a best friend" twice in each chorus, indicating a friends-to-lovers arc. This is notable because, one, falling in love with your best friend is canonically queer, and two, Kloss described Swift as her best friend on more than one occasion.

"Seven" is clearly in conversation with "Mary's Song (Oh My My My)" and "It's Nice to Have a Friend." This trilogy seems to excavate queer feelings and connections that arise at a tender age, especially within friendships that begin platonically or appear platonic from the outside. (See also: "I knew everything when I was young," the pivotal line in "Cardigan.")

Swift sings of a relationship full of "clandestine meetings and longing stares," an experience that could be applied to a variety of queer love stories throughout history and pop culture. Fans have paired the lyric with TV shows and films like "Call Me by Your Name," "Portrait of a Lady on Fire," "Heartstopper," "Happiest Season," and "My Policeman."

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In this personal story of coming out as a late blooming queer/lesbian, Swedish YouTuber Lou Folke describes their own process of exploring their sexual identity; grappling with shame around being a late bloomer and taking longer than others might have to live authentically and "out;" and talks about all of the signs that they were queer that, looking back, they can clearly see as signals of their budding "queerness" throughout their earlier life. Folke also discusses internalized "lesbophobia"/homophobia and the fear of bullying in their small, conservative Christian town that held them back from being honest even with themself about their sexual identity. Raw, honest coming out stories from fellow late bloomers can provide support, connection, and a feeling that your late blooming patron is not alone in their timeline for coming out. 2ff7e9595c

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